The Skinny
On Dining

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Good food and good company. A near-perfect arrangement. But too many people think that dining out and dieting are mutually exclusive. Not so! It’s actually super easy to eat out, eat well, and keep your calories under budget.

How, you ask?

Get a head start by looking up the menu and deciding what you want before you leave. No more being swayed by your companions’ choices or seeing trays of food go by. Isn’t the Internet great?

On to the fun part. The menu.

Well we might as well get this out of the way first: No pasta. None. It’s tasty, but it’s pure carbs and tends to be a mere vessel for sauces.

Speaking of sauces—ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION TO SAUCES. They can make or break your caloric budget. Douse a lean protein like chicken breast in heavy sauce, and the nutritional value goes out the window. When it comes to sauces, look for bright colors and avoid earthy neutral tones like creams and gravies, and you’re in the clear.

Now let’s talk about substitutions for a minute. To truly get the most out of your healthy dining experience, you must master the art of substitutions. Treat the menu like a sandbox. Most restaurants are more than accommodating, within reason.

• Heavy dressings can turn the healthiest of salads into a full-on calorie bomb. Try EVOO* and vinegar instead. Light, tangy, and has good fats that your body needs to properly process all those vitamins from your greens.

*extra virgin olive oil. This stuff is your best friend.

• Caramelized onions can add moisture and depth to a burger or sandwich, instead of ketchup (sugar!), mayo (fat!), or melted cheese (fat!).

• If you must get your fingers on the dreaded bread basket, and we certainly don’t blame you if you do, butter’s got nothin’ on a little EVOO mixed with salt, fresh cracked pepper, and maybe some sprinkled Parmesan.

• We don’t have to tell you no soda, but we’re going to. NO. SODA. Drink water, unsweetened tea or club soda with lemon. They’re crisp, refreshing, and have NO calories (unless you count 2 calories in a lemon wedge, but don’t do that).

• Bear in mind, some substitutions are useless if they’re cooked the same way. If you ask for asparagus instead of mashed potatoes, make sure it’s not getting cooked in tons of butter. Consider preparation, always! Speaking of substitutions, don't be afraid to ask your server for a custom, healthy meal.

Once your food shows up, the ball is still in your court! Think about portion control—you may have ordered healthy food, but there may still be a lot of it! Only eat until you’re full, take the rest home, and get two healthy meals out of one plate.

There’s really not a lot of healthy ways to order dessert, so just remember this: if it ain’t fruit, SKIP IT. Or at least split it.

At the end of the day, it’s all about enjoying yourself. Have fun. Eat well. If you’re worrying too much, what’s the point? You can always skip a snack or eat a super duper healthy meal tomorrow. Guilt doesn’t go well with many foods. Now get out there and eat!

P.S. Splitting an entrée with someone can be a good option to avoid overeating. But remember, your server is doing the same amount of work. Tip accordingly. Be nice.

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